Saíu recentement o ultimo DVD que se chama "I last my heart in Idelberg, Ainda n?o chegou a Portugal, mas logo que o veja na FNAC. claro lá estou eu a comprá-lo. Tenho pena ele n?o ter um DVD onde no mesmo espectáculo actuou o grupo de sapateado .... I love to go Maastrisch 18.07, taking advantage of a semanita vacation there. who is thinking of going? could you send me an email to see how they do. Thanks Reply to this; Saturday, May 08, 2010 9:28 AM ana ribeiro wrote: ...
(augusto pitta em set 5, 2005 4:19 am) congratulations for the great job you're doing, bidelberg/b, by keeping all of us informed of what is going on in new orleans plus. chris dunn is really a formidable human being. ...